Cookies are generally used to store temporary data that personalises your experience on our website and allows our website and third-party systems to remember who you are and monitor your activity on our website.
All cookies have an expiry date.
Additional cookies (not mentioned below), may be added to the website over time by our developers or when we install additional third-party software or add new functionality to the website.
All attempt will be made to keep this list up to date.
Server created cookies:
PHPSESSID – this cookie is automatically created when you visit our website, our server uses this to identify your session on our website which is generally used for temporary data storage
Cookies used by our web developers during the creation of our website may include but are not limited to:
cookieconsent_status – this cookie records whether or not you have accepted our use of cookies notice (so we do not show you the agreement bar multiple times)
Cookies created by our content management platform Wordpress may include but are not limited to:
wordpress_[hash] – stores authentication security when you log in to specific areas of our website
wordpress_logged_in_[hash] – indicates to our website that you have logged in
wp-settings-[hash] – stores information about how you may have customised the websites interface
wp-settings-time-[hash] – stores information about how you may have customised the websites interface and when
comment_author_[hash] – stores details submitted when creating a comment so forms can be prefilled etc
comment_author_email_[hash] – stores details submitted when creating a comment so forms can be prefilled etc
comment_author_url_[hash] – stores details submitted when creating a comment so forms can be prefilled etc
Third party cookies, we have no control over these cookies as they are created by third parties:
FONT-AWESOME – creates cookies when you visit our website. Font Awesome provides a list of fast-loading icons used throughout our websites interface.
JQUERY – creates cookies when you visit our website. Jquery provides core functionality to our website for navigation, menus, form validation etc.
GOOGLE – creates cookies when you visit our website. We use Google Analytics for visitor tracking and website traffic monitoring, Google Maps to embed interactive maps within our pages and Google Recaptcha to add form security from spambots.
ZOPIM – creates cookies when you visit our website. We use Olark for our online live chat system.
TWITTER – creates cookies when you visit our website. These are created via social network sharing controls and may be included when you view our embedded Twitter Feed.